Virtual Design and Construction


RAG is artist Richard A Goldberg. I grew up under the influence of Mad Magazine, Warner Brothers cartoons, and the New Yorker Magazine. Originally a 2D illustrator, I am now fully immersed in the virtual reality (VR) business as a developer/ designer/ modeler. Whether planning commercial blocks or Art Deco toasters, I believe that attention to detail delivers the quality that all users desire.

I offer a full range of visual communication services: graphic design; illustration; VR modeling and texturing.

I have particularly keen skills in creative communication of abstract concepts to sell BtoB and BtoC products and services.

I realize the importance of and nuture the collaborative process, adding value to clients through the design and development of images and output that generate results in the marketplace.

Skills and Proficiencies

Blender, 3D modeling; Substance Painter; ShaderMap, Photoshop

Professional Experience

August2012 to June 2016

MadPea Games. Designer, Illustrator, Graphic Designer and 3D Modeler and texturer.

December 2014 to present

RAG3D: Applying traditional 2D print illustration to the 3D environment for gaming, publishing and new media.

Previous to 2014:

2D conceptual/humorist illustrator with extensive print, publishing and licensing experience.

References: Available upon request